American Words - Still Everywhere

“There is no such thing as Rohingya, It is fake news.” - U Kyaw San Hla: officer in Rakhine state security ministry. 


Unified Korea - An Ongoing Problem

“The South Korean constitution recognizes all Koreans as its citizens.” - An interesting Reuters article

I didn’t have a quote in mind with which to really start this blog and going from zero to one is tough, so I checked the front page of Wikipedia. Of course, the recent US - DPRK (North Korea) summit was at the top of the list and a search in my doc for Korea revealed this interesting manifestation of the 1953 armistice.


Getting Started

"Dad I'm going to start a blog." - me the other day

I spend a lot of my time reading. The Economist and its English wit is a favorite. TechCrunch somehow makes the show Silicon Valley funnier. And The New Yorker’s longer form articles and works of fiction are just so pretty. As my father knows from his quest through my 700+ email deep inbox [1] for an elusive Amazon security key when I left my phone in a taxi [2] the other week, I also subscribe to a large number of newsletters, personal blogs, and syndicated RSS feeds focused on everything from finance to cooking [3].